What is Balanced Horizon Partners
Balanced Horizon Partners is a private equity firm that offers an opportunity for sophisticated investors to buy ordinary shares in a private equity firm.
Who can join Balanced Horizon Partners
Balanced Horizon Partners is only available to wholesale sophisticated investors who earn at least $250,000 AUD per annum or control $2,500,000 AUD in Assets.
What are the benefits of joining
By joining Balanced Horizon Partners, investors will have the opportunity to be a general partner and own a stake in the company while having their investment nurtured in the investment pool.
How much do I need to invest
During the Seed 1 early-stage round, there is a minimum investment requirement of AUD $500,000 to join Balanced Horizon Partners.
How can I learn more
For any inquiries or to initiate contact, please reach out to us using the contact form below.
What is the investment strategy
Balanced Horizon Partners applies its investments across a diversified selection of equities within several markets and utilizes well-proven risk management strategies used by financial advisors in Australia to mitigate losses.
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